Proven Track Record with over 28 years’ experience

Founded in

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Exclusively focused on investing in UK Real Estate

UK Real Estate


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In-depth macro and micro analysis of economic and societal trends


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Early mover and innovator, targeting growth sectors of Real Estate

Active Thematic

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Diverse investor base consisting of blue-chip institutions from around the world

Global Investor

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Moorfield has been
investing in UK real
estate on behalf of
global institutions
since 1996

We have been at the forefront of establishing Private Equity Real Estate as an institutional asset class in the UK and have played a leading role in driving the growth of the ‘Alternative’ real estate sectors.

Our research focused approach is to identify needs-based drivers of demand, where there is an undersupply of existing fit-for-purpose real estate. Our theory is simple: if we provide what occupiers want then we will have high occupancy, low vacancy costs and above trend rental growth. This appeals to investors who are prepared to compress yields and support above trend capital growth. Our track record is the best vindicator of our strategy.

Our early recognition of the potential of the ‘Alternative’ real estate sectors sits alongside our successes in managing the disruption within the ‘Traditional’ real estate sectors of Retail, Office and Industrial.